Repurpose Your Beautiful Old Windows When You Buy New Ones


Replacing your beautiful old windows with new ones may not be a decision that you came to lightly. Some of the windows used during the construction of older homes are very beautiful and can be hard to let go of. Instead of getting rid of the beautiful old window, you can give it a new purpose in your kitchen. Suspended windows over center islands or over tables will add architectural charm and provide you with a creative use for the old window that you don't want to let go of.

24 December 2015

Garage Door Maintenance That You Can Do Yourself


A garage door must be properly maintained in order to keep it working properly. There are small things that you can do to your garage door to keep working at maximum efficiency without having to call a service person.  Align The Sensors The sensors on the garage door can throw off the entire opening and closing of the door if they are not in proper alignment. Take a long piece of string and tie one end to the sensor on the left side and then tie the other on the right side.

4 December 2015